
Many journalists start their career as intrepid cub reporters, desperate to see their bylines on the front page. While I enjoy writing and creating multimedia content, even as a journalism student my true passion was editing and producing. It’s been an incredibly fulfilling career path. I’ve designed front pages for the Duluth News Tribune; copy-edited stories about the post-Soviet republics from a drafty office in Prague for Transitions Online; done the night shift production to get the Sunday newspaper online for the Winston-Salem Journal; chosen fallen soldiers to profile on the homepage of the obituaries company; and curated weekly newsletters that go out of an audience of more than half a million subscribers for the ABA Journal. Here are a few of the projects I’m proud of.

Logo for the Members Who Inspire series

Members Who Inspire

I launched the Members Who Inspire series after taking over responsibility for the ABA Insider section of the ABA Journal print magazine. With a directive to explain the inner workings of the American Bar Association to readers, I kept coming into contact with ABA members who were doing fascinating work in their personal and professional lives. Many were doing important and innovative work without much recognition. I have either written or edited almost every Members Who Inspire column, which have been published monthly since 2017.

Children and the Law logo

Children & the Law

In 2023, the ABA Journal developed a series looking at the various ways children are impacted by the justice system. One of the features, a deep dive into how family courts evaluate claims of parental alienation, won a national award from the American Society of Business Publication Editors. I was proud to be the editor on that piece, working alongside the enormously talented reporter, Amanda Robert. The final piece in the series that year looked at efforts to help older foster children who are aging out of the system.

Law and Aging logo

Law and Aging

At the other end of the age spectrum, there are a host of issues that deserve closer inspection. In 2020, Amanda Robert and I launched the Law and Aging series to do just that. From the growth of elder law as a practice area to concerns about when judges should be hanging up their robes, it was an opportunity to dig into fascinating legal topics. The COVID-19 pandemic also prompted some legal providers to find creative new ways to serve their elderly clients. We won a national silver award from the American Society of Business Publication Editors for the series.


Awards and Honors

Peter Lisagor Awards, Chicago Headline Club, Society of Professional Journalists

  • Best Literary Coverage, 2021 

  • Best Podcast, 2016

Azbee Awards, American Society of Business Publication Editors

  • Enterprise News Story Silver Award, National, 2023

  • Government Coverage Gold Award, National, 2020

  • Group Profile Silver Award, National, 2021

  • Feature Article Silver Award, National, 2024

  • Individual Profile Bronze Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2023

  • Magazine of the Year, National, 2014, 2023 and 2024

  • Magazine of the Year Honorable Mention, National, 2017 and 2019

  • Magazine/Newspaper Redesign Gold Award, National, 2020

  • Online Single Topic Coverage Bronze Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2018

  • Podcast Gold Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2019

  • Photo Gallery Silver Award, National, 2017

  • Photo Gallery Gold Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2014 and 2017

  • Print Feature Article Bronze Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2021

  • Print Group Profile Bronze Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2019

  • Q&A Silver Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2023

  • Web Feature Series Silver Award, National, 2021

  • Web Feature Series Gold Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2021

  • Web Feature Series Bronze Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2023

  • Web Microsite/Special Section Silver Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2020, 2021

  • Web News Section Gold Award, National, 2014, 2018 and 2019

  • Web News Section Gold Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2014 and 2019

  • Website of the Year Top 10 Award, National, 2016 and 2019

  • Website of the Year, Upper Midwest Region, 2016

  • Website Redesign Bronze Award, National, 2015

  • Website Redesign Gold Award, Upper Midwest Region, 2015

 EPpy Awards, Editor & Publisher and Mediaweek

  • Best Internet Community Service Effort, 2006

 Online Journalism Awards, Online News Association

  • Best Service Journalism – Small Sites, 2005

Dow Jones Copy Editing Scholarship, Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, 2002

Knight Ridder Fellow, 2002